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Making every day Father’s Day.

By Roy Spence

80_royI present my awesome new grandson: little Charlie Spence Clauer, born on April 9th to my precious middle daughter Ashley and proud and loving father Jason. And now, in addition to my favorite titles of ‘Daddy’ and ‘Dad’, I can add ‘Poppie’, which is what my kids called my Dad, and is what my wonderful granddaughter Maddie calls me.

My wife, Mary, and I have been blessed with three most excellent kids and I have been a father for 34 years now. So what have I learned in the past 34 years about being a father and what am I about to learn about being a grandfather?

First, about being a father. I am in awe of my wife, Mary. Never was there a time when our kids were growing up that she did not love, guide, laugh, play, read, counsel, shuttle, party, feed, nourish, correct, challenge, encourage, comfort and, most of all, shower each of them with unconditional love—still does.

What I am learning is that no matter how committed my love and intentions are to being the best father to my children and now to their children, I am forever amazed, humbled and grateful for the unwavering love and support of my wife, Mary, and the example she has set with our children and now theirs too.

Secondly, being driven to build a business from scratch with my partners of purpose and employees of talent, love, faith, passion and dedication serving clients all over America and the world too, I was and still am a Sky Warrior. And while I was not there in person all the time, my children were never out of my heart and mind.

I know now for certain that I am only as happy as my saddest kid and now their kids too. Making happy for them is a job that I relish and I am on a mission to get better and better at making happy for them.

I also think that we as fathers are at our best when we gladly assume the role of coaches and confidants as our kids enter that new world of work, family and a grownup life. Because there is nothing quite like a, “Thanks dad. I love you so much,” at the end of a conversation dealing with some not-so-fun stuff at times — something we all have to do.

And finally, I now know that although fathers get to be celebrated one day each year, I have learned that every day is Father’s Day. For each day after you have fathered a child you have an opportunity to be a good father. I am so grateful for that.

At the end of every day, we fathers get the chance to ask ourselves, “I wonder if I was a good enough dad today?” If the truth in your heart was no, then don’t give up because tomorrow is a new Father’s Day and a brand new chance to be the father we all want to be. So, as I am now blessed with the opportunity to be a Poppie to my kids’ kids, I am challenging myself to live up to the calling of being a good grandfather…because now I know that every day is not only Father’s Day but Grandfather’s Day, too.

So happy Father’s Day Austin dads and enjoy because tomorrow is Father’s Day again and we have work to do.

Photo by Matt Lankes Photography.


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